CS 107 Computers and Their Applications

Fall 2006

Buckman Hall 120

Team Assignment 2 - Buying a Computer for your Business

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You and your teammates are starting a business. What you will be doing for this assignment is first selecting the software that you will need to successfully run your new business. This includes the operating system that you feel will be the best for what you feel you're going to be using your computer for.

After you and your teammates select your software, you should then decide what type of computer and peripheral devices you are going to need.

Once you know what software and hardware you'll be using for your business, it's time to go "shopping". Using computer ads from catalogues, newspapers, or web sites, your team should find two different computers that will meet your needs. One machine should be your dream machine. The other should be a second choice. Be sure to look for any other hardware you think you will need for your business. Use this chart for recording the differences between your two computers. For both machines and all hardware, make sure to get a copy of the ads including all of the hardware's specifications with prices to document your choices.

Once you have selected your hardware, you will have to look for any software that is not included with your hardware. Again, get ads for all software you will have to buy including the prices.

Finally, find the total cost for both computers. Now, with your teammates, determine which computer you believe will best meet you needs and your budget.

Due Date: September 20, 2006

Assignment Requirements:

A neatly assembled package which includes the following:
Last Updated: 9/13/06