Chapter 7 p. 250 Date Formatting (format function) display select employee_id, first_name, hire_date, format(hire_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:NN AM/PM') as formatted_date from l_employees order by employee_id; ------------------------ p. 252 Entering formatted dates (now function, no parameters) insert into sec0703_lunches values (25, #DEC 5 2011 11:30 AM#, 202, now()); ------------------------ p. 255 Setting field properties - Can be done with GUI or SQL - note creation of alias - 'a' select employee_id, first_name, last_name, format(a.phone_number, '"(415) 643-"@@@@') as phone_number from sec0705_employees a; ------------------------ p. 260 Sequences in Access - GUI and SQL alter table sec0708_suppliers add column new_num counter; ------------------------ p. 263 Creaing an index - GUI and SQL create index ix_sec0709_employee_name on sec0709_employees (last_name, first_name);q